Monday, November 4, 2013


         ACLE  :
         characterized by confluent symmetric erythematic and edema centered over the malar eminences The nasolabial folds are typically spared. (malar rash ).
         The forehead and V-area of the neck can be similarly involved.
      ( photosensitive lupus dermatitis” )
  • ACLE begins on the face as small, discrete macular, or papular lesions, or both, that later become confluent and hyperkeratosis
  • Generalized ACLE, a less common variety, presents as a more widespread morbilliform or exanthemata eruption
  • ACLE that can stimulate toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • strong association between ACLE and systemic LE activity,

         ACLE  :photosensitive , transient, lasting only several days or weeks.
         Post inflammatory pigmentary change is most prominent in patients with LE with darkly pigmented skin
         ACLE lesions do not result in scarring.
         Superficial ulceration of the oral or nasal mucosa is a frequent accompaniment of ACLE
         The posterior areas of the hard palate are most commonly affected, however, the labial, gingival, buccal, and lingual mucosa may also be involved. In the early stages of such lesions,
         the pathology is usually nonspecific;

         SCLE skin lesions including
         symmetric erythema centrifugum,
         disseminated DLE,
          autoimmune annular erythema,
         subacute disseminated in LE,
         superficial disseminated LE,
         psoriasiform LE, pityriasiform LE, and
         maculopapular photosensitive LE

         SCLE consists of non scarring papulosquamous or annular skin lesions
         LE-specific histopathology and occur in a characteristic photo-distribution
         a higher frequency of anti-Ro (SS-a) antibody positivity
         SCLE lesions :
          sun-exposed areas : upper back, shoulders, extensor aspects of the arms, V-area of the neck, and less commonly, on the face
         Infrequently, SCLE lesions present initially with any appearance of erythema multiforme
         Lesions typically heal without scarring

1 comment:

    I'm here to testify about what Dr.Ovie did for me. I have been suffering from (LUPUS DISEASE) for the past 4 years and had constant pain,especially inside my body. During the first year,I had faith in God that I would be healed someday. This disease started circulating all over my body and I have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago. I came across a testimony of a lady on the internet testifying about a Herbalist Dr called Dr.Ovie on how he cured her from LUPUS DISEASE. And she also gave the email address of this man and advise anybody to contact him for help for any kind of sickness that he would be of I emailed him telling him about my (LUPUS DISEASE) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! Well i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this Dr. Ovie a few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as Dr. Ovie assured me that I will be cured,after some time. i went to my doctor to confirm if i have been finally healed behold it was TRUE,the test came out negative. So friends my advice is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can contact Dr. Ovie for help.You can contact him on email> or contact Dr Ovie on yahoo email>  Call or WhatsApp Dr on +2349056393169  Dr Ovie is specialized in curing the following,DIABETES HEPATITISCANCERHIV/AIDSUNABLE TO GET PREGNANTLUPUS STROKEHSV 1&2HPVPARKINSON DISEASE.
