Monday, June 3, 2013


  1. Most asymptomatic or not specific: hot, tenggorork pain, dizziness, vomiting, and abdominal pain will heal itself in a short time.
  2. Patients with non-paralytik usually appear similar to aseptic meningitis: stiffness and pain in the occipital, the waist and the legs, seem more pain
  3. Headaches and heat is more powerful
  4. Likuor shows a pleiositosis with domination, when the protein is rising, the number of cells is decreasing
  5. After heat, sufferers complain of muscle pain what perabaan, before the pain is gone and the sufferer crippled. Sufferers of poliomyelitis which paralyzed only about 2% or 1 out of every 200 wild polio virus infection, primarily due to serotipe1. Another cause is the 70 ev-71 and coxsackie B
  6. Infectif is 2 doses of virus, with an incubation period of 7-14 days, 1% of infections manifest symptoms clinic
  7. The incubation period there is a symptom of non-specific heat, along with the berbiaknya virus in throat and intestines. The Virus spreads by hematologik and neurologik, cause infection in meningen and anterior-horn.
  8. Typical of polio paralysis is the existence of asymmetric, wither, walk more often and usually on the proximal muscles (muscles).The attack on the brain stem and cranial nerves cause breath failure
  9. Most patients with paralysis after triggered tonsilektomi, injections, excessive activity, especially in the minor-ilness
  10. The paralysis lasts acute (within 2-4 days) is settled, with the rest of the paralysis that settled after 60 days followed by muscular atrophy. after 6 weeks.
The Polio Clinic
– There are no symptoms despite infection
Abortive poliomyelitis
– heat, head aches, sore throat, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, malaise
Nonparalytic poliomyelitis (aseptic meningitis)
-As above but with muscle pain, especially around the waist and neck
Paralytic poliomyelitis
-Flaccid paralysis, lower motor neuron damage, painful spasms of the non paralyzed muscles

Paralytic Poliomyelitis
  • Symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, stiffness in the neck and pain in the limbs
  • 1250 reported cases in 2003
  • Infectious dose is 2 viruses
  • 7-14 day incubation period
  • 1% of infections result in clinical illness
  • One in 200 infections leads to paralysis such
  • 5%-10% of paralyzed victims die
  • No effective treatment

  • likuor serebri shows pleiositosis with the dominance of protein a, at the time was up, the number of cells is decreasing
  • post-polio muscular's atrophy can appear after 25-30 years later, gradual and not total paralysis
  • 4-6% of polio sufferers will die. Bulbair polio can be fatal (damage to Center breath and vasomotor in the brainstem), resulting in failed kardiopulmonal
  • Muscles Commonly Weakened by Polio
  • Secondary Problems-
  • Further Complications and Disabilities

  • Treatment of polio
  •  Various antiviral drugs have been tried, but the benefits of his clinic is still very limited.
  •  Benefits imunoglobulin clinically more real, cleaning the virus from the body more done by humoral immune response and not mobile.
  •  Treatment still are is symptomatic
  •  Action is mainly medical medical rehabilitation measures as early as possible in order not to happen deformaitas

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