Wednesday, June 12, 2013



Definition: epidermal hyperplasia caused by certain human papilloma virus.
Epidemiology: can occur at any age, children and young adults >>
Transmission: - Autoinoculation
                     - Direct contact
Vulgaris Verruca
- Children >>
- Predilection limb extensor
- Nodules, gray or brown, rough surface (verukosa)

Verruca Filiform 
- Face, neck >>
- The projection perpendicular to the skin surface
- Ø 1-10 mm, surface verukosa

Verruca plantaris (Klavus)
- Especially in the feet.
- Plaque as loud ring
- In the midst of rather soft, yellowish.

Verruca Plana
- On the face, neck, back, arms and legs.
- Papules billion / lentikular, smooth and flat surface, the color of the leather / brownish.

1 comment:

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